
Dieser Blog ist ein Sammelsurium von Gedichten.

Montag, 29. April 2013

Reducing the habbit

You always have to cope with life
but you will never arrive in it
and when you drink you're sure
that him and he and she drinks too

It's so simple to understand
and so hard to live with
that it's all circular
and easy to explain

Dreaming of it, is like walking with a glasbowl full of broken glas through a crowded mall

you feel being hit
you hide your wounds
or you show them to often
you sleep well
after you didn't sleep at all
you hide underneath the covers
where once
the two of you
were lovers

the tear in your eye as you sleep
is the moment you have to change
and it tears you apart
and it punches you hard
you are welcome to nowhere
as everything is open
and nothing is safe

A shiny mess, it what you have
the form is you

(müsste K.) (dedicated to Trevor)

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